The election will follow the following process:
The Trust board currently has 11 members. Trust rules say that the board will consist of no fewer than 6 and no more than 16 members.The election will be run by an Election Management Group consisting of one member of the Trust board (who is not standing for re-election) and an independent scrutineer.James Young (Robins Trust) was chosen to organise the election as per a Board Meeting on Monday, July 16 2018. After consultation with Supporters Direct, Neil Le Milliere (Exeter City Supporters Trust has agreed to be the independent scrutineer).At the Trust Board meeting on July 16, 2018 a drawing of lots was held to decide which of the 11 current board members – elected at the 2017 AGM – will be standing down. As the entire board was elected at the Trust relaunch in 2012, it was necessary for half of the board to stand down. It was decided to choose six members at random, with two exceptions, listed in point five. For the avoidance of any doubt all existing board members are entitled to stand for re-election if they wish.As Trust chairman Dave Jennings and Fan Elected Director Dave Beesley had been elected into their posts since the last AGM, it was agreed they should stand. Lots were drawn for the remaining four positions at random.As per Trust rules, anyone standing for election shall be a fully paid member of the society, and be nominated by two other full society members.Nominees will also be asked to supply a statement supporting their nomination as per rule 6 of the Trust Election Policy.As per rule 5 of the Trust Election Policy, it is the candidate’s responsibility to ensure their candidacy is valid as per the terms above.The timetable for the 2018 election will be:- August 23, 2018: Notice of AGM and election circulated to all members.
- Midday, September 20, 2018: Deadline for receipt of nominations and candidate statements.
- In the week beginning September 22 an announcement will be made as to whether a ballot will be necessary. A ballot will be necessary if the number of nominations EXCEEDS 11. If so, the following will happen:
- September 27, 2018: Candidate statements for all candidates seeking election will be published on the Trust website.
- October 4, 2018: voting forms and candidate statements and means for proxy or email voting, will be sent to Trust members.
- October 18, 2018: Election count and announcement will take placed at the Robins Trust AGM.
In the event that the number of nominations is equal to or fewer than available positions on the Board (11) or less, those nominees will progress through to the AGM for ratification by members.The new Robins Trust board will meet for a general board meeting within ONE month of the AGM.Click HERE** for a Robins Trust Board Member nomination form**
All forms, and corresponding confirmation messages from proposers must be sent to by the relevant dates listed above.